ExciteSteam is a romance focused newsletter.
Our audience likes reads on the steamy side. We welcome submissions from authors. Please review the information below before submitting.
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Promos
- New releases
- Stalled backlist titles
- The first book in a series (which boosts the other books in that series)
HOOK new readers with your freebie.
Excite Steam Facebook Page: Books will be featured on our Facebook page.
Excite Steam Website: Books will be listed on our website.
- Amazon: We have seen as many as 1200 clicks on free books.
- Barnes & Noble: We've seen up to 300 clicks on free books.
PRICED (Discounted) Books:
- Amazon: We've had clicks in the 400 range
- Other retailers: Click-through rates are always lower (99¢ is the most popular price point).
NOTE: These are clicks, not sales. There is no guarantee your book will see the same numbers.
We don't pass over good books with explicit sex scenes, we welcome them! But please remember – we expect your book to be a ROMANCE. Please don't misrepresent your book – readers won’t be happy with us or you!
We are looking for quality titles for our readers. ALL titles must have an average review of 4 stars or higher (new releases will be evaluated on the basis of the author's back list reviews).
We prefer novels, but exceptional novellas (at least 50 pages in length) will be considered if they have a good sales rank, good reviews, and a 99 cent or less price point.
Free and discounted books are preferred. Permafree books will be considered.
We do accept boxed sets (single or multi author).
Only one title per author is allowed per newsletter, unless the second title is a multi-author box set.
We do not currently promo books before they are published (on pre-order).
We are willing to give new authors a try!
Submitting your book does not guarantee that it will be accepted. We do have a brief review process. We are more likely to accept books with high quality covers, good blurbs, and positive reviews (We don’t expect new releases to have many.)
Sometimes we run promotion discounts or provide coupon codes through our Author Newsletter – news and information specifically for authors who are interested in promoting their books through us.
We also occasionally offer author cross promotions, which usually include a dedicated newsletter and blog post, Facebook ads, and a Facebook chat bot post. These special offers will be announced in our Author Newsletter.
Subscribe to our Author Newsletter today to get word of all author discounts and special promotions!
~~~ Newsletter Promotions ~~~
Access thousands of lovers of steamy romance with our weekday newsletters.
Remember, the earlier you book your promo, the better your chances of securing your desired date!
Booking Procedure
- PLEASE REVIEW our policies and requirements below.
- Select the appropriate type of newsletter promo – freebie, new release, series, audio, etc.
- Find a date with an opening and select it. (Please note that the “times” are just to control the number of bookings – they do not indicate the actual time that newsletters are sent out.)
- Fill out the submission form.
- All bookings will automatically be approved and a Paypal invoice will be generated right away, for your convenience.
- You will receive a confirmation email.
- All bookings will be reviewed (in regards to our requirements below) at a later date. Our cancelation and refund policies are listed in the section below.
- Promo payments must be completed via Paypal at least 48 hours before your promo date. (Paypal invoices are automatically generated when your form is submitted.)
- Promotions can be booked up to 60 days in advance.
- We do not accept submissions less than 3 days prior to a given date.
- We do not typically promo a book more than once. However, you may submit a repeat title for consideration once every 90 days.
- All bookings will be reviewed based on the requirements below.
- Authors may edit/update info on their submission form up to 2 days before the promo date. See your confirmation or reminder email for the link to your submission form.
- Authors may reschedule or cancel a promo up until 2 days before the promo date. See your confirmation or reminder email for the link to your submission form.
- ExciteSteam cancellations will occur if book and pricing requirements are not met.
- Cancellations may take place on the date of the scheduled promo, with no advance notice.
- A full refund will ONLY be provided in these circumstances:
- a book is not in the romance genre
- a promo is duplicated (same book on the same date)
- incorrect fees paid because of an incorrectly booked promo (ie booking a 99c promo for a freebie)
- Refunds are NOT provided in other circumstances, including, but not limited to:
- failure to meet book or pricing requirements
- failure to provide all requested information in the submission form
- Please remember to subscribe to our newsletter to see your promo! (We do NOT provide links upon request.)
Newsletter Schedule
Monday newsletters are for freebie titles only.
Wednesday and Friday newsletters are for new releases, 99 cent deals, box sets (& anthologies), freebies and audio books.
Tuesday and Thursday newsletters are for solo promotions (one title only, with an excerpt) and series promotions.
Book and Pricing Requirements
Titles must:
- Have an average review of 4 stars or higher
- Be published by the booked promo date (no pre-orders)
- Be listed at the price you indicate NO LATER THAN 5 a.m. EST on the day of the scheduled promotion
- If you are running a Kindle Countdown Deal, Amazon U.S. Countdowns default to 8 a.m. PST(PDT). Please adjust accordingly.
- We recommend submitting book pricing changes the day before.
- Remain at the indicated price for AT LEAST 24 HOURS after the day of the scheduled promotion
- Meet the additional section requirements below